so we decided to open up 6 days a week thru tax season 2020!!!!
starting: february 3rd 2020....until april 1st 2020.... at least.... if all goes well we might stay with 6 day weeks....
new hours would be
monday= 3pm to 7pm
tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday =11am to 7pm....
sundays are always closed....
during the month of february (all merchandise is 25% off....
each piece of jewelry....
buy 3 get 1 free body piercings of equal or lesser jewelry....
can be used in groups or individual....
all jewelry prices will very prices according to quality and style you choose to purchase....
all basic body piercings are $25 each + the price of jewelry you choose....
all microdermals are $45 + the price of jewelry you choose....
all private piercings are $45 +the price of jewelry you choose....
jewelry prices are anywhere from $10 minimum up to as much as $100 each piece and even more if desired for special orders.... of some higher end quality jewelry....
anatometal, gorilla glass, diablo organics, mystic metals, hollywood body jewelry, metal mafia.... etc....
on line sales just gotta be min special orders....
dont forget: (all merchandise 25% 0ff)
endorphic gem in the rough shop t-shirts $30 as supplies last....
hope everyone is enjoying 2020!!!!
find your balance!!!!
